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Be Joy
What Am I Here For..
The potential to actual is a process and needs alive support throughout. Even the support needs support. That is the doll within doll scenario.
The unmanifest in the womb, nurtured and built is further - outside of womb - supported through and to structure followed by the internalisation of the nurture as well as the structure. And that is what it takes to be a so called 'born free spirit' broadly.
Knowing is there even in the nebulous state yet the knowing through the internalised nurture and structure is what is the gift of the manifest. And that is what each one [including you, me, them and them] alive is here for.
That which is looking for above.
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Be Joy
The Sovereignty Prayer
I - a Dot - a Pulse - a nothing - through which all Is - Am here
I - non-sticky & connected - severing & accepting - Am here
And shall remain.
This is my Field and This IS',
'NO ONE holds any ties on Me
No one is a saviour, no one is indebted.
I am is being of planet Earth, on the eastern/western side that's all.
The west and east are like the 2 main forces running in the human body - yang and yin. Nothing less nothing more.
The cultures associated with locations can be identified likewise. And that is all those are.
Just like yin and yang donot function/thrive solely, the parts on the globe cannot as well.
What I am being shown is westward begins the conquest. And eastward absorbs it, holds it. None is mightier none meek.
And then the coming together is when the blood wont be only western or eastern [mixed parent kids].
The initial 'impact' is to be intense and yes that is the beginning of another phase of journey to oneness. It wont come without an "IMPACT" there is always much of it. Without it, none will be.
cultures of earth -- right and left of earth -- Di-Visions Of Earth
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Be Joy
The transformations [not just changes] from grassroot level are possible. They need to be deliberate and will bring up a lot to be faced, acknowledged and then moved beyond.
The grassroot transformations have a danger of being suppressed at the first sniff of hesitation by the very Natural Forces which would do just about everything including annihilation to bring about the transformation.
For that danger to be taken care of the top level of the family needs to bring this out, ie th eparents need to put their heads and hearts together for and towards this. Knowing well that this will feel at every step as if annihilation of own-self.
Knowing that the intensity of the transformation will feel like annihilation every moment and still keeping pace with the process is requisite for the parents. Once begun the process will pick up momentum and feel as if it has its own intelligence, which actually it does.
And eventually the day will dawn when it will feel like having taken bierth in the same lifetime in the same human body. Yes! It is possible.
Birthing is not just a biological or some other need of the human race to perpetuate the human race or just a physiological process of coming together of man and woman in sexual contact or just a social-construct to bring forth a being that they would raise, or just an outcome of a chance-sexual-contact between a man and a woman. All of these are true of themselves. And at the same time not THE WHOLE.
Birthing is an instinct. It is a part function of what is known as CREATIVITY at the level of physical dimension. It is "live creativity". Life creates itself through birthing.
And there are some requisites for this, some duties and responsibilities thereafter, certain structure of moving into this and to carry forward the outcome of this instinctive process of Life.
No wonders there are mentions of times.when the community leaders or elders had a say who is ripe and ready to be a parent and who is not. There are also mentions of so to say preparation to be together with each other before the birthing so that carrying forward that which is birthed is as instinctual as the birthing and easeful. The child was then the child of the community, and that's from where 'it takes a village to bring up child' stems from.
The whole of the flow of this basic instinct has got perverted and distorted. And hence we are where we are.
It has not been a matter of just a few decades, it has taken more than that. And has now afflicted the whole of the human race, so to say.
It seems there is no going back. Though the reality is that the Natural Forces can make everything possible. Only their course connection has a tremendous amount of destruction built in, which on human hands is once again potentially corrupted.
One of the, slightly longer, ways is to begin at ground level. Inside the smallest unit of human populations - a family. The way is by the family, for the family, on & through the family.
There will be a lot in this way that will be painful to begin and will eventually bring the needed transformation in the family that is peaceful, relaxed, settled and more. One by one initially. And then it can pick up momentum. It is possible.
Transformations [that which is ahead and beyond what we call changes] are painful. This is a factual reality. Humanity has forgotten this and has been numbed into the denial, suppression, repression, oppression of natural instincts and processes of Life.
simplify & Repeat
Be Joy
The everyday interactions (I am talking about the earlier ones between me and my parents) get filled in my psyche/mind/mental apparatus.
Not just the words, the reasoning given (if given), the feelings of the speaker but also my own fantasies about the words/sentences/instructions/messages, my own ingenuine reasoning as well as my feelings with respect to my fantasies about the words originally said.
This filling system is the way my parents, grand parents and for that matter my ancestors apart from other authority figures or parental figures from my childhood live on in and through me.
In life I need to re assess this data, for optimum functioning. As an adult that is my responsibility. If I donot do that, I keep repeating not just a lot of out dated stuff but also the patterns that I originally did not want to have as well.
This brings me to a quote:
You are not responsible for the programming you picked up as a child,
As an adult you are 100% responsible for fixing it.
And this fixing the programming is the concept underlying "Being Responsible for Self"
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Be Joy
Frequently one assumes that if they "say what they mean to say," then their responsibility for the communication is over.
Effective communicators realize that their responsibility does not end when they finish talking. They realize that for practical purposes what they communicate is what the other person thinks they say and not what they intend to say. Often the two are quite different. And the responsibility also lies with the listener.
In communication it is what the other person thinks that one says and how they respond to it that is equally important. This requires that one pay attention to the response that they are getting. If this is not the response that they expected or could be expected, then they need to vary their own communication until they get the desired response.
There are several major sources of "misunderstanding" in communication.
The commonest one arises from the fact that each person has a different life experience associated with each word in the language. Frequently what one person means by a word (their complex equivalence for that word) may be something quite different than what another person means by it.
The second arises from the failure to realize that ones tone of voice and facial expression also communicates information, and that the other person may respond to this as much as they do to what is said. As the old saying goes "actions speak louder than words," thus one must learn and be aware that when the two are in conflict that one should pay more attention to the actions.
when life walks the way life walks & I walk along the way I walk
when life serves what it serves & I make of it what I do,
when life takes what it wants & I enjoy till it's with me,
when life gives what it gives & I learn from it what I do,
the smile & calmness flows from everywhere to everywhere.
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Be Joy
Tolerance can grow into allowing and that will need proactive actions and at times actioning through conflicts, or it can become 'forced permission' which comes from being passively tolerant.
Choce is always with Self.
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Be Joy
Responsibility can downgrade into compulsive obligation
or it can upgrade to fluidity between engaging response-ability and disengaging response-ability.
Choice is always with Self.
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Be Joy
Inner Work
The Gurus had a personal relation with the disciple purely for this reason. That Inner work is personal and intimate. Which necessitates personal relation between the one overseeing and one being overseen. Nothing more nothing less.
Anything else will render the teaching ineffective.
Teacher also looks for certain qualities and virtues in the student before moving them to discipleship. Without which the surrendering and rest for the movement in inner realm will NOT BE POSSIBLE AT ALL.